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The Dirt

Do You Garden?

Posted by Erin on Monday, May 22nd, 2017 12:54 pm

So do you?

You should.  It should be taught in school. A mandatory class. Gardening is a 'life' skill.  From the grand and elaborate gardens of royal estates to the urban backyard vegetable plot, gardens inspire, soothe, provide retreat, feed and clothe us.  The act of gardening provides an opportunity for physical activity, meditative work and for developing a connection with the living world around us.

The earth gives back.

We all know when you pet a dog, feed it and care for it, it wags its tail, it waits for you to get home and responds to your voice.  We don't generally think about plants this way but they do react to our stewardship.  When we care for trees and flowers, the soil, our little patch of the earth, there is a response.  We get a healthy tree that grows tall and provides shade, we get perennials full of blooms and an abundant harvest of nourishing fruits and vegetables.

Most of us end up owning a piece of property at some point in time and this means that we are responsible for the well being of a piece of this earth.  The human race as a whole, I believe, is responsible for the care and health of the whole planet and the way we accomplish this huge task is by nurturing our own small piece and working outwards into the community.

Always start with you.

Start in your yard.  Feed your soil, plant something, grow food and stop using harmful chemicals.

Watch the earth give back!